Writers' Guidelines for BOOMER digital edition
Interested in writing for BOOMER? Here's what you need to know

BOOMERmagazine.com is currently accepting submissions for online publication in three primary categories, per the following writers’ guidelines:
If you have a story or essay that you think would be of interest to our audience, email your completed piece to Annie@BoomerMagazine.com. You do not have to be a professional writer, simply have a meaningful story or idea to share. We do not pay for these submissions. See guidelines and audience below.
We prefer to publish fresh content that has not been published before, but will consider some items that appeared previously in print or online (if writer has permissions).
Rights: The writer retains rights to the content and can publish elsewhere at a later date. We request that republication is accompanied by the following notation: First published at BoomerMagazine.com. If you have a personal website or blog and you would like to post your content there, we request that you post the first paragraph only and then link to the entire piece on the Boomer website. Boomer retains rights to reuse the content in other digital formats.
You are welcome to include your personal website and/or other contact information.
We welcome quality articles that you have been hoping to find a home for: travel, nostalgia, reviews of books, movies, or music, etc. We do not currently pay for these submissions. Email Annie@BoomerMagazine.com to pitch your story.
Rights: The writer retains rights to the content and can publish elsewhere at a later date. We request that republication is accompanied by the following notation: First published at BoomerMagazine.com. If you have a personal website or blog and you would like to post your content there, we request that you post the first paragraph only and then link to the entire piece on the Boomer website. Boomer retains rights to reuse the content in other digital formats.
You are welcome to include your personal website and/or other contact information on the article.
We publish articles that establish a business or client as an expert as Partner Content and Sponsored Content, under the following guidelines:
- The purpose of the article must not be to promote one specific business or product. For example, a yoga franchise can write about the benefits of yoga but not about why the franchise is the best place to take yoga classes. The article can include links to the business, and the bio after the article can tout the writer’s expertise and/or can promote the business/product.
- We reserve the right to refuse any article or link, including but not limited to
- technical articles with information that we are unable to confirm, especially on sensitive topics such as medical issues, gambling, and financial products;
- content that is poorly written;
- content that incites violence;
- links to websites whose trustworthiness we cannot verify;
- lack of time and resources to review and publish your content.
- We are not obligated to provide a reason for rejection.
- Topics should be appropriate for the Boomer audience (see below).
- We may make content edits based on these guidelines and per our editorial style, we will send you the edits for final approval.
- Promotional pieces (edited only for grammar, punctuation, etc.) can be published as Sponsored Content.
- We publish/link upon payment.
- For prices on this and related content, contact Annie@BoomerMagazine.com.
All Writers’ Guidelines
- Targeted to be of interest to our audience, active adults age 45 and up (see below for more).
- Word count: approximately 500-650.
- Submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment (no formatting needed) or in the body of the email.
- Send images as separate .jpg or .gif files.
- Please include a brief, two to three sentence bio (head shot optional but welcome).
- We follow basic AP style, with a few exceptions such as serial commas.
- Readership for BOOMERmagazine.com trends toward active adults between the ages of 45 to 70.
- BOOMER readers may be empty-nesters or soon-to-be, often with available time and money to use for purchasing consumer goods, traveling, volunteering, renovating their homes, or investing.
- BOOMER readers may have enjoyed years of a career across a range of jobs and professions, or they have transitioned to a “second act,” either a new professional pursuit or retirement.
- Our most popular topics include:
- Nostalgia, from celebrities to everyday items of childhood and youth.
- Travel
- Food & Drink
- History
- We avoid overt partisan political stands, controlled substances, gambling, and other controversial topics.
To hone your writing skills for BOOMER and other publications, read William Zinsser’s On Writing Well, 30th Anniversary Edition: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction; Trish Hall’s Writing to Persuade: How to Bring People Over to Your Side
; and from Mary Pipher’s Writing to Change the World: An Inspiring Guide for Transforming the World with Words
Updated June 2023