What's Booming: Tamales, Wines, and Flying Squirrels!
Yum, yum, and funn

4000 Days
Onstage Thursday, April 29 through Saturday, May 22 at the Richmond Triangle Players and on demand starting Saturday, May 8
Imagine waking up from a coma and having no memory of the past 11 years. Imagine you don’t even know your partner, Paul. Imagine your cynical mother hopes you never remember him. Imagine if this very story could be seen live in a socially distance-friendly theater, or on demand from your own home…
Orange Uncorked Wine Festival
Saturday, May 1 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday, May 2 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Market at Grelen
In the not-so-secret nearby land of superior wines that is Orange County, the local wineries and cideries are coming together to show off their spirits. Sip and swill through a day filled with tannins, tastings, and fruit juice in its finest form.
Tamale Tuesday Virtual Cooking Class
Tuesday, May 4 from 6-7:30 p.m. in support of the Highland Support Project
Your kitchen is about to get a whole lot spicier, a whole lot tastier, and a whole lot more cultural.
Breathing Places: Parks & Recreation in Richmond
Opens Wednesday, May 5. Runs through Jan. 30, 2022 at The Valentine
Is there anything more refreshing than a walk in the park (especially these days …)? Celebrating Richmond’s favorite outdoor spots of past and present, The Valentine’s newest exhibit explores our carefully curated parks and their effect on residents today. Hint: it’s a positive one.
The Richmond Flying Squirrels Are Back!
See site for schedule!
Oh yes, Richmond, you read that correctly. After a COVID hiatus, our favorite hometown baseball team is back in the saddle (well, the stadium). Even though opening night has already sold out, the season is young and there will be opportunities a-PLENTY to get your fill of Richmond’s pastime.
There may even be opportunities for free tickets. Stay tuned…