What's Booming in Richmond: Valentine's Day Stuff, and Not Valentine's Day Stuff
Romantic weekend or not, the choice is yours

Some mushy Valentine’s Day stuff…
What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than with … The Valentine? And their special gift to us all this holiday: no admission. Swoon! Friday, Feb. 14 during regular business hours (10 a.m.-5 p.m.)
Spend Valentine’s Day with your first loves, why don’t you? Rock & Roll Jubilee Sweetheart Soiree presents an evening of songs by Buddy Holly, Roy Orbison, The Everly Brothers, Ricky Nelson, and Elvis. It’ll be like the live version of those posters you used to kiss goodnight. Hey, don’t be embarrassed, we all did it. Friday, Feb. 14 through Sunday, Feb. 16 at the Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen.
Indulge your nosy side this holiday. Romantic Virginians: Love and Loss in the Old Dominion dives into the love stories of late Virginians over four centuries, from private diaries to soldiers’ letters to other intimate exchanges. A little tragedy, a little beauty, a little history … Saturday, Feb. 15 from 10-11 a.m. at the Virginia Museum of History and Culture.
Other stuff that’s completely unrelated to romance whatsoever …
A timeless tale, as told by the Richmond Ballet. Swan Lake, Friday, Feb. 14 through Sunday, Feb. 16 at Dominion Energy Center.
Celebrate all things farms and all things cider at Courthouse Creek’s Wildlife Day at the Farm. Great combo, eh? Saturday, Feb. 15 from 1-4 p.m. at Courthouse Creek Cider (Maidens).
Voldemort’s a little scarier, Harry’s a little braver, and Dumbledore’s a little more spectacular with some help from – the Richmond Symphony, of course. See Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in real time, with musical score by the greats. Saturday, Feb. 15 at 2 and 8 p.m. at Altria Theater.
Looking for even more stuff to add to your schedule? Check out our digital calendar!