What's Booming in Richmond: Bluegrass, Wine, and Mardi Gras
Get those beads ready for the holiday of hedonism

A little bit of banjo, a little bit of fiddle, a little bit of mandolin – fill your Saturday night with a little bit of bluegrass and whole lot of Sideline. Saturday, Feb. 22 at 7:30 p.m. at Ashland Theatre.
Free a tree! Let’s just go ahead and remind those invasive species that they’re simply not welcome to push out our hardworking native species here in Richmond, eh? Check out National Invasive Species Awareness Week, a week full of nature, weeding, and maybe even a goat or two. Sunday, Feb. 23 through Saturday, Feb. 29. See site for locations and other details.
Five delicious gourmet courses featuring five delicious natural wines – five of the most delicious pairings only Perch could manage to pull off. Yes. Please. Natural Wine Dinner, Sunday, Feb. 23 at 6:30 p.m. at Perch.
It’s that bead-flinging time of year, folks, where we put babies in cakes, dance the night away, and not only allow debauchery – we encourage it. It’s Mardi Gras, of course, and you don’t need to grab a flight to New Orleans to commemorate this holiday of hedonism.
Fulfill your indulgences while supporting a good cause, why don’t you? The Doorways presents Mardi Gras Masquerade, an evening of music, raffles, games, food, and helping families in need. Friday, Feb. 21 from 8 p.m. to midnight at The Graduate.
If that’s not enough Mardi Gras shenanigans for you, head to Manchester for Dogtown Dance Theatre’s Mardi Gras RVA. An interactive parade kicks off the festivities, followed by an afternoon of live music, dancing, entertainment, food, and drinks. Saturday, Feb. 22 from 3:30-8 p.m. Parade begins at 15th and Bainbridge streets, afterparty at Dogtown Dance Theatre.