What's Booming in Richmond: Aretha Franklin, Arthur Ashe, and Purple Martin
The best events to peel you off your couch

The year’s Longest Day is coming … and it’s purple. Friday, June 21. Click the link to find a variety of ways and events to join the fight against Alzheimer’s.
Show a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T for the Queen of Soul this weekend. An All-Star Tribute to Aretha Franklin, Friday, June 21 at 9 p.m. at the Broadberry.
From the slave trade capital to Arthur Ashe Boulevard … Richmond has made some strides. Celebrate its accomplishments during the historic occasion: the Arthur Ashe Boulevard Dedication, followed by the opening of the very relevant exhibit, “Determined: The 400 Year Struggle for Black Equality.” Saturday, June 22 from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Virginia Museum of History and Culture.
Got Purple Martins on the brain? The Purple Martin Field Day will help you learn the best way to keep a colony of these feathered friends happy, maintain their utmost health, grow their group, and protect them from the elements. Oh, and you can meet all those other Purple Martin enthusiasts! Saturday, June 22, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. in Louisa County.
When in Powhatan, do as the Powhatans do: dance it up to live music, throw back some spirited bevvies, and breathe in that fresh, fresh air. It’s the Powhatan Music Festival, baby. Saturday, June 22 from noon-7 p.m. at Village Meadow.
Get all Israeli’d up this weekend at the Weinstein JCC’s Israeli Festival Featuring the Israeli Friendship Caravan, with Israeli food, history, culture, and entertainment. And, aw yeah, there will be camel rides. Sunday, June 23 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Weinstein Jewish Community Center.