What’s Booming in Richmond: Greek Food, Legos, and Partying with Robert Siegel
The best events this week to peel you off your couch

I obviously don’t have to remind you that this weekend is the annual Richmond Greek Festival, our city’s favorite food fest that makes us feel mildly cultural at the same time. Thursday, May 31 through Sunday, June 3 at Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church.
Whoa! Legos! In the form of art! Opening reception Thursday, May 31 from 6-9 p.m. at the Cultural Arts Center. Running through July 15.
Girls Rock! RVA gives our young Richmond ladies the voice and confidence to be themselves through music, art, and activism. And Garden Grove wants to get in on the action through the Girls Rock! RVA Benefest – three days of punk rock, beer, and contributing to the self-esteem of young girls. Friday, June 1 through Sunday, June 3 at Garden Grove Brewery and Urban Winery.
WCVE is launching some new stuff, and they want you to help them celebrate. Dance and drink the night away at the Station Launch Party to commemorate the new WCVE News and WCVE Music stations – your friends Robert Siegel, Bruce Adolphe, and Fred Child will be there too. Friday, June 1 from 5:30-10 p.m. at the Hippodrome Theater.
Namaste, y’all. It’s the PeaceLoveRVA Festival. Saturday, June 2 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at Maymont.
If the Greeks didn’t feed you well enough at their festival, swing by Broad Appétit to sample small plates from your top 70 favorite local restaurants and bakeries, plus multiple sophisticated beverages. Sunday, June 3 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on West Broad Street between Henry and Adams Streets.