What's Booming: Fidos, Flowers, and Freedom
Get off the couch and into the fresh air. Oh, and don't forget your pup.

Fill your summer with Beethoven, your soul with the Richmond Symphony, and your living room with sweet, sweet melodies. Summer Series: Jeanette Jang, Violin & Russell Wilson, Piano, Thursday, Aug. 6 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. online.
Lewis Ginter would just love to help you soak up your summertime and ring in your weekend with their weekly session of Fridays Alfresco. Enjoy food and drinks amidst Lewis’s own legendary flowers and more fresh air than your lungs will know what to do with. Every Friday in August and September, 5-9 p.m. at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden.
There are so many backstories and insights to the world of slavery … spend your next happy hour in the mid-nineteenth century. History Happy Hour: Beyond Shackles – The Fight for Freedom, Monday, Aug. 10 from 6:30-8 p.m. Virtual event hosted by the American Civil War Museum.
Think your outdoors-loving dog is coffee-table-book worthy? Get him in front of the lens of Kristen Murray: for $150, receive an outdoorsy photoshoot and a Fido feature in her upcoming photography book, Tails of the River City. And did we mention $100 of that money goes to the SPCA?