What's Booming: Edgar Allan Poe, Lewis Ginter, and MLK
Which of these gentlemen will you be spending your weekend with?

Black is beautiful, and so is beer. Swing by Hardywood this weekend for their second release of Black Is Beautiful, a coffee stout inspired by an initiative from the Weathered Souls Brewing. As a bonus, all proceeds from this brew go to the Richmond Black Restaurant Experience. See? Beautiful. Friday, Jan. 15 from 2-9 p.m. at Hardywood West Creek.
This year, Edgar Allan Poe turns 212; and although we can’t celebrate such a momentous occasion in person, he’s still going to throw down. It’s not every day you turn 212, after all. Poe’s Birthday Bash, Saturday, Jan. 16 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. online. Presented by the Poe Museum.
Fresh air, dazzling foliage, and flowers of all shapes and sizes: for one week only, Lewis Ginter is taking that pesky entrance fee away and offering free admission to visitors. Which somehow makes that foliage dazzle even more. Through Sunday, Jan. 17. Be sure to reserve your tickets ahead of time!
With the MLK Day holiday coming up, get in the holiday spirit with some volunteering, service commitment, and good old-fashioned community discussion. HandsOn has all of your MLK Day resources to help you make it “a day on, not a day off.”
This season, take a walk, jog, run, bike, or leisurely stroll through winter with Virginia Capital Trail’s Winter Warrior Challenge. [Virtually] complete all 282 miles of the East Coast Greenway Coastal Route by the end of March for a much healthier winter – and a crewneck sweatshirt. Through March 31.