‘Two Mice’
You never know what will inspire a second act

Inspiration struck her more than 25 years ago. Eventually, it led to Donna Dalton’s second act, writing children’s books. Seven Two Mice books later, she and her furry protagonists are going strong.
Retiring after 40 years as an educator left a void in my heart, a longing to stay connected with students. Born and raised in Richmond, my career in Henrico County and Chesterfield County was always about local students and their successes. But what next after retirement? The answer was a childhood dream to become a children’s writer, a new way to connect with young minds and continue the joy of teaching in a different form.
Who would have thought that two French mice and a desire to travel around the world would hurl me into the world of writing books? It started with a simple idea and a moment of inspiration in Paris, France, and it has led me through years of writing, revising, and learning about the publishing industry.
I held onto an idea for a children’s book for over 25 years. It all started with a trip to Paris with my family. As my husband and I were taking a break from tours and visiting sights, we took a minute to sit on the bench by the Eiffel Tower to take in the magnificence of this structure. My eyes quickly caught something moving by my feet. After further investigation, I quickly realized tiny grey mice were in the greenery by our feet, nibbling on leftovers from tourists. I certainly was not expecting to see mice by the Eiffel Tower. This unexpected sight sparked inspiration, and I turned to my husband and enthusiastically claimed, “I’m going to write a book someday about the mice at the Eiffel Tower!” Keeping that idea in my head for decades, I could never abandon that silly thought.
Once I retired, I started to write my first children’s book, “Two Mice at the Eiffel Tower.” Afrodille and Azura became my two inquisitive French mice looking for a way to get to the top of the Eiffel Tower with their friend, Madame Bella. While writing this fictional story, I wanted children to learn about Paris, France, and the Eiffel Tower while enjoying the story. The plot for the two mice to get to the top of the tower involves 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, and culture. My website includes various activities that match the skills of teachers and their students in exploring this title and a series of Two Mice children’s books. My two French mice have continued to travel to London, New York, Africa, Ireland, and Italy. My seventh book, “Two Mice in the Bahamas,” was released in November 2024.
How did becoming an author happen? I connected with Kathryn Starke, a co-worker who authored several books, including “Amy’s Travels, A Touchdown in Reading” and “Tackle Reading.” She was a published author and an astute businesswoman who founded her own publishing company, Creative Minds Publications, headquartered in Richmond, Virginia. Our city can feel like such a small town because I have known Kathryn for most of her life. She was the Girl Scout down the street selling cookies each year. Later, Kathryn became a reading specialist in Chesterfield County when I was the chief academic officer and is now a worldwide literacy specialist. Kathryn’s mentorship was invaluable in my journey to becoming an author. She was the natural choice to call to ask about publishing a book. I was scared, had no experience with the process, and needed advice.
It all began with a lunch meeting, during which I shared a rough draft of my book with Kathryn. This meeting led to my signing with Creative Minds Publications as my publisher and Kathryn as my editor. Finding a publisher and editor can be daunting, but bringing your book to life is crucial. We discussed the editing process, the importance of a good cover design, and the marketing strategies used. With Kathryn’s support and guidance, I was able to locate a talented illustrator, David Pfendler, who truly brought my story to life with his colorful illustrations.
Many people have asked me how to start publishing books, often underestimating the effort involved. Trust me, I have a renewed appreciation for the work of an author, the creations of an illustrator, and even the cost of a book these days. It all starts with your idea, vision, and dream, but it also involves a lot of hard work. I faced challenges such as writer’s block, finding the right publisher, and the financial investment required. But I persevered, and the rewards of seeing my book in print and hearing from readers have made it all worth it.
I now have books to leave with my grandchildren and children worldwide. They will be read and passed down to future generations. As my young readers become adults and travel through these books, I hope they will look for Azura and Afrodille and let their imaginations soar.
Donna Dalton is a retired educator who served as the chief academic officer for Chesterfield County Public Schools. She graduated from Henrico County Public Schools, Virginia Tech, and Virginia Commonwealth University. Donna has published seven books, each with a unique travel theme and adventure. You can purchase her books at Barnes and Noble or Tweed. She can visit schools or speak to community groups around the Richmond area. Visit 2-mice.com to learn more.
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