Women Speakers Bucking the Status Quo
TEDxGraceStreetWomen announced for December

Richmond will be hearing “Ideas worth spreading” at the locally organized TEDxGraceStreetWomen, announced for Dec. 8.
Like other TEDxWomen events around the nation that same weekend, this women-focused speaker series will focus on a central theme: “Showing Up.” The theme focuses on women who are pushing past boundaries in a variety of fields to bring about meaningful change and create a more desirable future. Confirmed speakers will be announced on the website by early October.
Nearly a dozen speakers will share their insights during the morning event at Grace Street Theater, open to men as well as women, followed by “Walk-the-Block,” a community gathering along Grace Street to Rappahannock, Julep’s, Pasture, Pop’s Market on Grace and Champion Brewing.
Hear more about the event from a TEDx woman herself, Risa Gomez:
Dec. 8, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., 1:30-5 p.m. ($40)
934 W. Grace St., Richmond