Resources for Learning New Technology Tricks
Ways to keep up with a digital world

In this day and age, Apple, Google, Microsoft and other tech companies are producing newer, smarter devices faster than we can keep up. Whether opting to try new technologies or updating current devices, we consistently have to learn new phones, software or operating systems.
Thankfully, we aren’t on our own for that – many local resources are eager to lend a hand.
Richmond-based TechStar Tutors pairs adults age 50 and up with tech-savvy individuals who offer assistance in using laptops, smart phones and tablets as well any related platforms and software.
By learning to use today’s communication technology, explains Techstar co-owner Tammy Glotz, older adults “can better connect with their family and friends, so that helps alleviate loneliness and it helps them stay independent.”
Glotz adds that she believes her customers also want to stay in the loop with what’s going on in their community and use their smart devices to track their health.
“It gives them a lot of skills to help them stay healthy,” Glotz says.
Tutors meet clients at neutral locations either one-on-one or in a group setting. Contact TechStar at 804-442-7827.
Facilities such as Lifelong Learning Institute in Chesterfield offer many technology-focused classes. Learn the ins and outs of the iPhone, iPad and Android. Some classes also focus on exploring the internet or using software such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Windows 10. Check out their courses at or call 804-378-2527.
County libraries and parks and recreation departments also offer occasional technology classes.
Henrico County libraries, for example, offer classes on using their collections of e-books, audiobooks, music and more, as well as a wide variety of computer classes: basic Microsoft Windows, Facebook, Twitter and software such as Excel and Adobe applications. Download the latest program guide at or call 804-501-7275.
Chesterfield County also offers some classes for people to learn how to use social media platforms like Facebook, Microsoft applications and more. For these and other classes and events, go to or call 804-748-1623. Chesterfield County Public Library offers individualized training sessions for people who may need help with a specific need or interest. Sessions are scheduled at this individual’s convenience.
Pamunkey Regional Library offers classes at branches in Hanover, King William and Goochland counties and other regional locations covering topics such as computer basics, Microsoft Word and e-readers. Information is available at As classes fill, the library offers Reference on Demand sessions at 804-365-6211.