Post-Pandemic Problems and Perspectives
One nurse has had it with WFH complaints

A self-proclaimed “salty nurse” is tired of hearing people complaining about working from home and then about going back in to the office occasionally. See what advice columnist Amy Dickinson has to say about these post-pandemic problems and perspectives in this installment of “Ask Amy.”
Dear Amy:
It might be my profession that makes me a little salty, but I’m hoping that you can reframe or share some thoughts on this irritation.
When the pandemic started, everyone was sent to work from home. All that most people could do was complain about how difficult this was. Being a nurse and manager of a medical unit, I obviously did not get to work from home. Nor did I have any “boring” days like so many people complained about.
Now, three years later, many people have settled into working from home and love it.
Now they’re complaining about having to go into an office a few times a month.
Speaking on behalf of most of us in healthcare (and any service industry), I really wish people could appreciate their situation.
Making every work setting or situation into a complaint is obnoxious for those of us who do not have these luxurious options.
Your take?
– Salty Nurse
Dear Salty:
I want to thank you for your service, and also for the invitation to ponder and potentially reframe a category of human inquiry that we should be grateful exists at all: Post-pandemic Problems.
So let me start by removing from its case the world’s smallest violin and playing a plaintive tune for anyone who has the temerity to complain to a healthcare or service worker about the burdens of being called back into the office a few times a month.
Now for the reframing: We’re back! We’re back to overlooking our obvious lucky breaks (we’re alive, being one), and are already starting to take for granted the simple privilege of being able to visit with, touch, hug and kiss one another.
We’ve resumed our habit of laundering our petty complaints, even if the rest of the world is on fire.
Your burden is also your blessing: While others are whining about the long line at Starbucks, you are already fully awake and inhabiting your salty humanity.
You have my permission to remind others to put their problems into perspective.
A related “Ask Amy” post: The Covid risk is still real for many
In the tradition of the great personal advice columnists, Chicago Tribune’s Amy Dickinson is a plainspoken straight shooter who relates to readers of all ages. She answers personal questions by addressing issues from both her head and her heart – ranging from relationships to DNA surprises. A solid reporter, Dickinson researches her topics to provide readers with informed opinions and answers. Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068
©2023 by Amy Dickinson