Health: Keep Winter Greens From Spoiling in the Fridge

February 21st, 2020

Don't you dare shy away from eating green in the wintertime

An Asian woman who is a farmer that just loves greens and vegetables

It’s a major disappointment to reach into the fridge for salad greens, only to find they’ve deteriorated into a sticky mush overnight. For some reason it happens to us more in winter, when there are fewer options for fresh produce (hello, kale and collards).

Here are tips for keeping the five most popular winter greens fresh, plus some advice for how long to keep them on hand.


You can find this peppery green year-round, but it’s best in cooler months. Arugula is somewhere between a salad green and an herb, so it works as a salad base, on a sandwich or as a garnish for soups and pasta dishes. Be sure to store the leaves for only a few days.

The best way to keep arugula fresh is to wrap it in a damp towel until you’re ready to eat it. Avoid creating a moist environment in a plastic bag or container, however (like the ones they usually come in).


There are many varieties of lettuce, but the most common in grocery stores are romaine, iceberg, butter lettuce and green leaf. The nutritional values vary, but most types of lettuce are high in fiber, vitamins A and C, calcium, potassium, folate and iron, and are low in calories.

Most lettuce leaves can be stored for a little over a week in the fridge. Some more delicate types, such as butter lettuce or green leaf, only last a few days. To keep lettuce as fresh as can be, store it in a large zip-top bag with a damp towel inside.


There are six common varieties of kale. All varieties are high in fiber, protein, vitamins A, K and C, calcium and manganese.

Buy kale in unwashed, uncut bunches and refrigerate for up to a week. You should typically remove the stems before cooking, though some varieties don’t require it. Kale can be sautéed, steamed or pan-seared for a tender bite.


This winter green is related to spinach but has a bit of an earthier flavor. The most popular varieties are rainbow chard and Swiss chard. It should look healthy, bright and green when picked. The leaves are high in vitamin K, but also naturally high in sodium, so beware how much salt you add when cooking.

Store chard in a dry kitchen towel in a plastic produce bag in your refrigerator to avoid having the leaves turn slimy or mushy. Use it within three days of purchase.

Collard Greens

Collards are actually best a little later, during the first quarter of the year. They are very high in protein and calcium. Store bright collards in a kitchen towel in the refrigerator until ready to use. The delicate leaves typically won’t stay fresh for more than three days, but you can blanch them for 15 seconds and freeze for future use.

These greens are cabbage-like, so they work best boiled or simmered in a soup. When you’re ready to cook, separate any older pieces, wash the leaves and pat or spin dry. Remove stems and cook.

For more health tips, check out our site’s health section!

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