Embrace Change

By Lori Ross | January 29th, 2014

We all need to but it’s best when we have information – and understanding

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”  – Charles Darwin

Changes are always there side by side with living, but sometimes you notice them more than at other times. Some we like; some we don’t. Either way, chalk it up to attitude or wishful thinking, but dealing with change in the best way possible makes life so much easier.

In the words of a past teacher, “Any time you have more than one option, always choose the better one.”


This season of holidays is one of those where I notice change so much. What worked 10 years ago might need an update. Our family decided to change up Thanksgiving this year for what works now. Those willing to have the 4,000-plus-calorie average meal went to a buffet – and those who chose not to, didn’t. Later the family had a potpourri of things planned at our home: football, movies and card games. Regarding Christmas, last year was the first year the baton was passed for Christmas morning, shifting from my home (sniff, sniff) to the homes of those with little ones. This year, I’m not sniffing anymore … it was appropriate and last year’s Christmas was just as meaningful. As for New Year’s, no big change in routine, except seeing the end of one calendar year and the mark of another. Can you benefit this season trying something new? We changed our calendar format in an effort to bring you an easy way to discover new interests or to enjoy some of your old favorites. You have to keep them, too!


This issue, we continue with a series, “Taking Care of Mom and Dad.” This is the time of year when extended family gets together and notes the changes in someone’s capacity to remain living the same way. There may be lots of signs, but then comes the question, “What do we do?”

There are more choices than you might realize. But all the answers begin with understanding and information. These changes are normal and a part of living, and as my long-ago teacher advised, choose the better option and make the necessary changes rather than waiting for things to happen on their own. We sincerely hope this information will be helpful to you.

Wishing you a happy Holiday Season and New Year.

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