Bored at Home? We Can Fix That
Keep the coronavirus – and the cabin fever – away

In lieu of our regular calendar of events section – you know, the portion of the issue that features upcoming plays, concerts and festivals – I’ve instead done a deep dive on other ways to stay entertained and engaged … while still following this whole “stay home” thing.
As a non-homebody (there must be a word for that), I was skeptical. But, it turns out, there are a lot of ways to entertain yourself at home (yeah, who knew?!). I completed a puzzle. I explored the Great Wall of China. I spent an entire afternoon watching an opera at the New York Metropolitan Opera House.
Once I started researching at-home activities, I discovered it’s a lot more like Pringles than I had originally thought: once you pop … suddenly you’ve found an entire world of things to do right from your own living room.
Or however that slogan goes.
Tap in to Your Inner Marie Kondo
The procrastinator in you was always counting on a time like this. Great news for that closet filled with years of unwanted clothes or those photo albums just waiting to be finished. Bad news for the part of you that just wants to binge-watch reruns of Cheers.
Become Your Own Personal Master Chef
In a recipe rut? Hey, we all have our go-to’s (I’m a big bowl-of-cereal-for-dinner person myself), but now could be a great time to experiment with something new. You might find a new go-to – or you might just confirm your devotion to the old ones (mmmm, Raisin Bran).
Bon Voyage – One Day!
You may not know when your next vacation will happen, but you can still start the planning – and daydreaming – process. This can also provide some sense of normalcy – and give you something to look forward to when we’re all finally done “staying home” (which, in fact, you may never want to do again).
Gain a New Best Friend
We may have been asked to avoid human interaction, but guess what – animals don’t carry the virus. While you’re quarantined at home, consider sharing that space with a new companion. Local dogs and cats are still available to foster or adopt. And who knows? This could be the start of your four-legged love story.
Treat Yo’self
Professionals speculate that anxiety and depression have spiked among Americans these days. But, on top of frequent handwashing, our biggest instructions are to stay home and not panic. What better excuse to practice much-needed self-care? Turn off the news, throw a bath bomb into the tub, pour a glass of wine and do that thing you never did before: relax.
I’ve also been keeping a very ongoing list of virtual experiences, under a variety of categories, which can all be found on our website. It’s as updated as possible, but … bear with me. The internet is an ever-changing place.
Thousands of museums – from local Richmond spots to acclaimed establishments around the world – have opened their, uh, “doors” for ongoing virtual tours of some of their finest exhibits and for educational programs.
To keep the walls from closing in on you, take a virtual voyage across the world. So much culture, so little time.
Learn a new skill or sharpen an old one: keep your brain stimulated, especially now that you’ve got the time.
From living room workouts to regular journaling – staying healthy is more difficult these days, but just as important.
A night at the theater, plus all those concerts you never found the time to attend before.
As I type this, I know hundreds of other virtual and non-virtual opportunities are popping up (both the upside and the downside of the internet). If you have any suggestions, recommendations or just general ways you’ve kept yourself sane, please shoot them over to me:
I’m bored of the New York Metropolitan Opera by now, anyway.
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Rachel Marsh manages social media, newsletters, What’s Booming and numerous other BOOMER services that keep readers informed and amused.