From Our Readers

By Annie Tobey | December 27th, 2023

From Our Readers

In the years since Boomer magazine first hit the stands, we’ve had the privilege of sharing numerous articles and essays from our readers. The diversity of pieces has been so wonderfully rich – from wisdom to humor, childhood nostalgia to adult epiphanies, tributes to parents and grandchildren, and so much more.

Click here to browse our archives of reader submissions or click on the images below.

Scroll to the end to learn about publishing your work at

Our Front Walk, by Julia Nunnally Duncan

Swan Songs, by Sherrill Elizabeth Redondo

Lessons from the summit, by Jay AhlbeckFrom Our Readers, Marilyn and Me, by Bill Levine

Screenshot of the 'Requiem in Vinyl' article link in the From Our Readers department at the Boomer website

'My Comic Books' image and link to From Our Readers article at

The Wisdom of a Child


My Mother's Traditional Coconut Cake

Do you have something to share?

If you have a story or essay that you think would be of interest to our baby boomer audience, email your completed piece to You do not have to be a professional writer, simply have a meaningful story or idea to share. We do not pay for these submissions. See guidelines and audience below.

We prefer to publish fresh content that has not been published before, but we will consider items that appeared previously in print or online (if writer has permissions).

Submissions are added to our queue of reader essays for possible publication. We are unable to guarantee notice of acceptance, but we aim to inform the reader upon publication.

Rights: The writer retains rights to the content and can publish elsewhere at a later date. We request that republication is accompanied by the following notation: First published at If you have a personal website or blog and you would like to re-post your content there, we request that you post the first paragraph only and then link to the entire piece on the Boomer website. Boomer retains rights to reuse the content in other digital formats.

Writers’ Guidelines

  • Targeted to our audience, typically adults age 45 to 70.
  • Word count flexible, but approximately 500 to 1,200 words.
  • Submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment (no formatting necessary) or in the body of the email.
  • Images optional, but if sent, send as separate .jpg or .gif files.
  • Please include a brief, two-to-three sentence bio.
  • Articles will be lightly edited for grammar, AP style (excepting serial commas), and punctuation. We retain the right to refuse any articles that we do not deem appropriate for our readers or that will take an abundance of editing.

To hone your writing skills for BOOMER and other publications, read William Zinsser’s On Writing Well, 30th Anniversary Edition: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction; Trish Hall’s Writing to Persuade: How to Bring People Over to Your Side; and from Mary Pipher’s Writing to Change the World: An Inspiring Guide for Transforming the World with Words.

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