Staying Home, Staying Healthy
Keep yourself socially isolated. Keep yourself physically well.

The gym is closed and the daily routine is shaken – but health and wellness are still very important to prioritize these days (especially as the stir crazy starts to set in …).
There are plenty of ways to get your blood pumping and endorphins rolling – both physically and mentally – all within the comfort (and cleanliness!) of your own home.
Let’s Get Physical
Any quick YouTube search for “home workouts” will give you more exercise hours than your muscles will know what to do with. To hone it down a little more, join these Fitness Warriors, perhaps. Or, might we recommend the Silver Sneakers workout programs?
Namaste Home
You could also throw on your comfiest pants and get your namaste on with Hot Yoga Barre.
Speaking of yoga, you can still take a class from Project Yoga – who, fittingly, believe that healthy yoga can be done absolutely anywhere.
Still speaking of yoga, try a weekly lesson from Life Long Yoga, every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.
Don’t Forget About Self-Care
Self-care is just as important – if not more so – during this time. Hey – your mental health wants attention too.
The Innerwork Center is offering virtual classes, in the name of emotional wellness and – well – sanity:
Fancy some other ways to keep yourself virtually amused? Try…