7 Tips to Improve Your Retirement Savings
Even if you are starting late

Your retirement savings will determine whether it will be enough to lead a comfortable life post-retirement. It’s better to start saving early as it will give more time for your nest egg to grow. Even if you are starting late, don’t think you are the only one. There are thousands of people who struggle with retirement planning. If you are one of them, this post is just for you. We will share a few tips to boost your retirement savings.
But before discussing the tips to boost your retirement savings, let’s discuss why it is necessary and the problems related to it.
Why are retirement savings necessary?
Retirement savings is critical to living a stress-free life. There are other factors as well which make retirement savings essential. Some of them are:
- Retirement planning is important so that taxes don’t exhaust your savings post-retirement.
- It helps you to make better financial decisions after retirement.
- It helps you to stay independent post-retirement. You don’t have to be dependent on your kids after retirement.
- You don’t have to worry about sudden medical expenses.
- According to the American Psychiatric Association, approximately 70 percent of adults worry about their finances. Proper retirement savings will not let financial stress affect your physical and mental well-being.
Problems with retirement planning
There are various concerns related to retirement planning:
- Longevity is a primary concern for most people, and people often worry whether their savings will be sufficient for their entire life or outlive them.
- Market volatility also impacts your savings. Market fluctuations cause noticeable changes in savings.
- Due to inflation, there is a rise in the costs of goods on an annual basis. The increase in the cost of goods causes a potential decrease in your savings amount.
- Taxation affects your savings based on the investments in your assets.
Tips that you may use to boost your retirement savings:
Save from today
When you begin investing, your savings will grow. It is best to start now and let compound interest work for you. Compound interest is the sum of the principal amount’s interest and the interest accrued in the past. The longer this cycle is allowed to run, the greater the return.
So, if you’re expecting more, you should get started as soon as possible. Even if you are late, you must begin immediately.
Contribute to a 401(k)
If your employee benefits include a traditional 401(k) plan, you may consider contributing to it. It is beneficial for you as your contribution is made before tax deductions. A Roth 401(k) provides funds after tax deductions. So if your employer offers a Roth 401(k), you may want to know what your income tax bracket will be in retirement, which will help you understand your choice.
Make sure to meet your employer’s match
If your company provides an employer match, the free money will help you build your retirement account. It would be great to contribute enough to make the game completely beneficial.
For example, you earn $60,000 a year, and your employer offers a 40 percent match of the employee contributions up to 6 percent of your paycheck. So, your contribution will be $3,600 and your employer will contribute another $1,440 to your retirement account. Don’t let this free money sit idle.
Create an IRA
You can always open an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) even if you contribute to the company’s 401(k). There are two options:
- A Traditional IRA allows individuals to make pre-tax contributions. The investments in the account grow tax-deferred, and the retiree then has to pay income tax upon withdrawal.
- In a Roth IRA, you have to pay taxes before the money is transferred into your account. The growth and withdrawals of the investment are then tax-free.
Both these options are beneficial in one way or the other. Choose the right plan for the current contribution limits accordingly. The contribution limits for traditional IRA and Roth IRA are $6000 in 2022.
Use catch-up contributions for your account
Yearly contributions to 401(k) and IRA plans are limited. As a result, starting early is always advised. However, if you are over 50, you are eligible for catch-up contributions to IRAs and 401(k)s. So, if you’ve been putting off starting a savings account because you think it’s too late, this option for catch-up contributions has you covered.
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Make automatic contributions
Consistency is necessary to grow your nest egg. If you decide to save once in a while, it will not help you grow your nest egg. Consistent contributions are necessary to expect a better post-retirement life, and automatic contribution can be the best way to maintain that.
Automatic contribution is the most commonly used method to automate the contribution from your paycheck. Set up an automatic transfer method if automatic contributions don’t work for you. This way, you can let your nest egg grow without even thinking about it.
Limit your spending
Even if you have gone through all of your plans and put them into action, you must reduce your expenses before retiring. If your income is limited, try to avoid living a lavish lifestyle, and it will help you make room for savings. Aside from those plans, you can always open a savings account to live a comfortable life after retirement.
Pay off your loans
You must pay off your loans before retirement to avoid spending your savings on interest payments. Use the balance transfer method to pay off your credit card debt. Having payday loans adds up to the trouble. You can get payday loan debt assistance to consolidate or settle your debts. (You can also use an interest calculator to ease the process by breaking down your loan amount.)
Bottom line
These were some tips to enhance your retirement savings. Consistent contributions, paying off debts, and maximizing savings are all those keys in a nutshell to build long-lasting wealth. Maximizing your retirement savings can help you upgrade your lifestyle post-retirement. After all those years of hard work, you might want to sit back and relax or go on a trip with your spouse. So it is essential to maximize the contributions now to expect a peaceful life after retirement.
Lyle Solomon has extensive legal experience as well as in-depth knowledge and experience in consumer finance and writing. He has been a member of the California State Bar since 2003. He graduated from the University of the Pacific’s McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento, California, in 1998, and currently works for the Oak View Law Group in California as a Principal Attorney.